office: 1-800-303-1304
450 Gr Barnes TSX | $275.00 450 Gr North Fork Cup Point Solid | $325.00 450 Gr North Fork Semi Spitzer | $325.00 470 Gr Cutting Edge Safari Raptor | $325.00 500 Gr North Fork Cup Point Solid | $325.00 500 Gr Cutting Edge Flat Nose Safari Solid | $325.00 500 Gr North Fork SS | $325.00 500 Gr Swift A-Frame | $349.00
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Our 458 Lott Safari ammunition is loaded with maximum power and energy in mind - exactly what is needed to stop a cape buffalo or elephant quickly and ethically.We load our ammo with the very best dangerous game bullets on the market today. And while we can custom load other bullets on a special order basis, these are the bullets that will get the job done when you need them the most.
- Barnes TSX- North Fork Cup Point Solids- Cutting Edge Safari Raptor- North Fork Semi Spitzer- Cutting Edge Flat Nose Safari Solid- Swift A-Frame